Tag Archive for: smooth skin

Smooth Skin for Longer

Happy fall! If you’re planning on escaping somewhere lovely and warm before winter arrives (cue Game of Thrones’ ‘Winter is Coming’ meme), then you probably want to book a Sugar’d appointment before you go.

Here’s what we’re thinking: if you love smooth skin and you’re willing to have hair pulled from your body to achieve it, you probably want to keep it as smooth as possible for as long as you can—why not come back from a vacation and still have smooth skin for days or even weeks?


Here are 3 ways to keep your smooth skin glowing and radiant for longer:


This is probably the most important thing you can do to extend your sugaring results. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and keeps your skin smooth, soft, and healthy. (It also contributes to younger looking skin.)

We recommend exfoliating every day (or every other day), except for the day of your sugaring appointment, and the two days directly after.

Those days are rest days.


After you exfoliate, we suggest moisturizing your skin with something unscented and kind. When you remove dead skin cells, it’s leaves the skin somewhat stripped. Inject some moisture back into the area by lubing up, after.

Note: like exfoliating, we suggest no moisturizing the day of your Sugar’d appointment, and up to two days after. (This is how long it takes your pores to close.)

Keep It Up

This is also important.

Your hair (and skin) have a natural cycle of growth. You can figure out when the best time to book your sugaring appointments are (usually every 4-5 weeks), and then keep up with the schedule—it’s all about consistent, regular maintenance.

By taking our advice, you should be able to extend the life of your smooth skin, post-hair removal.

If you need to book a Sugar’d appointment, visit our website and find the location closest to you—we have four of them in Surrey, Langley, Abbotsford, and Chilliwack.

Enjoy the beautiful autumn weather, friends!

Get Smooth Skin for Summer at Sugar’d

Hey, friends! It’s mid-July, and you know what that means: sun, sand, and swimsuits.

If you’re scared about the last s-word, you shouldn’t be. We can help you have smooth skin just in time for your summertime play!

Here’s how:

Start Exfoliating

Daily exfoliation will leave your skin feeling super smooth, because it helps to remove all the dead skin cells that create bumpy build-up. As we age, our skin doesn’t slough off those skin cells as fast as it did when we were younger, so give it a hand and reap the rewards!

(Smooth, youthful-looking skin!)

Need a great recipe for homemade body exfoliant? View our blog on that HERE.

Drink Tons of Water

We know, we know. Everyone says to drink lots of water, right? We get it. But here’s the thing: dehydrated skin is tired, pale, and begins to take on tones of grey.

This does NOT sound very youthful or smooth.

By properly hydrating your skin from the inside out, you create rosy, plump, smooth skin that you’ll want to show off all summer long!

Get Sugar’d

That’s right—because excess hair is not part of the plan to display smooth skin for summer!

Whether you decide to remove hair on your arms, back, underarms, bikini line, legs, or wherever, know that sugaring, in combination with exfoliation and lots of water, will produce amazing smooth skin results.

Need a little something extra? Try K’Pure Naturals skincare products for smoother, healthier skin all year ‘round. We carry this product line in-store, and we can help you choose something that your skin will love.

With the above 3-step plan (plus K’Pure!), you’re sure to have smooth skin all summer long. Book your Sugar’d appointment today by visiting our website and choosing the location nearest you.

Happy summer, peeps! Enjoy that smooth skin!
